ICT-MobileSummit 2008
10 - 12 June 2008,
Stockholm, Sweden
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Pre-Conference Workshop/Cluster MeetingsFour pre-conference workshops (SENSEI, 4WARD, URANUS & Magnet Beyond) and FP6/FP7 Cluster Meetings will take place on Monday 09 June at the Folkets Hus of the City Conference Centre, which is located at Barnhusgatan (off Vasagatan) in Stockholm. It is necessary for participants to pre-register for either the workshop or the cluster meeting as part of online registration. Participants will each pay one contribution of €50 towards the cost of two coffee breaks, lunch and a name badge for the day. Participants are welcome to attend more than one workshop during the day. Wireless Sensor and Actuator Network Research on Opposite Sides of the Globe - Europe/SENSEI and Australia/ISSNIPThe workshop on "Wireless Sensor and Actuator Network Research on Opposite Sides of the Globe" gives a unique insight into research topics of two large research consortia, the ISSNIP consortium and the SENSEI consortium on the topic of Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks. For more details in relation to the content of this workshop, please contact the workshop organisers: Mirko Presser The University of Surrey, Technical Manager of FP7 SENSEI and Slaven Marusic, University of Melbourne, ISSNIP. Click here to download the workshop flyer. The ARC Research Network on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing (ISSNIP) is the primary interface for sensor network research in Australia and consists of a network of more than 50 world leading local and international researchers from academia and industry, with a broader network of more than 100 affiliated researchers and students, as well as extensive links throughout Australia, the USA, Europe and Asia. The Research Network is part of an Australian Research Council initiative, created to facilitate increased inter-disciplinary collaboration across academia and industry in key research and development areas. ISSNIP provides the framework for this collaborative research, offering worldwide exposure for the work of Australian researchers and links to world leading expertise and resources, in order to address the related technical and scientific challenges in the application areas of environment, defence and healthcare. The SENSEI consortium is composed of 9 companies, 2 SMEs, 2 research centres and 6 Universities, all based in Europe. The consortium was established to jointly work on wireless sensor and actuator network (WS&AN) technology and address the challenges of integrating WS&ANs into the Future Internet. The SENSEI consortium runs the SENSEI project as part of the 7th European Framework Programme on the topic of "The Network of the Future". Workshop Programme
Flexible Baseband Transceiver Concepts Based on Time-Frequency Signal ProcessingThe URANUS FP6 project no IST-27960 is organising a half-day workshop on Monday morning. For more details in relation to the workshop, please contact Harri Saarnisaari The emergence of ever new standards for wireless access and networking fuels the trend towards multimode devices. Since the assembling of tailored solutions for single standards into hybrid devices has clear limitations, there is an increasing demand for multi-purpose transceiver processors, which can cope with today's predominant and even potential future air interfaces in a uniform fashion. The aim of this workshop is to describe how time frequency (TF) or, equally, generalized multi carrier (GMC) signal presentation can be used for flexible baseband architecture design. We review the basics behind the idea and show how it can be applied for transmitter and receiver design. An advantage of TF presentation is that doubly-dispersive channels may be modelled efficiently. This concept will be introduced along with appropriate channel estimators and signal parameter optimization. The simulation results verify usefulness of the method. Finally, we discuss implementation aspect where we reflect our experiences on implementing UMTS receiver using the GMC signal presentation. Workshop Programme
Personalization in Future Ubiquitous CommunicationThe Magnet Beyond project is organising a half-day workshop on Monday morning. For more information, please contact Helle Sønderholt Christiansen or Liljana Gavrilovska Aalborg University The workshop presents the concept of Personal Networks elaborated in MAGNET Beyond, FP6 project and highlight the major contributions and achievements towards the PN reality. PN presents a user centric networking paradigm that open endless possibilities for future ubiquitous communication in a personalized and secure manner. The presenters will share their views on the future aspects of Personal Networks.
4WARD: A Clean-slate Approach to the Future InternetThe 4WARD project is organising a half-day workshop on Monday afternoon. For more details in relation to the content of this workshop, please contact Norbert Niebert Ericsson. Recently a number of initiatives have started to re-define the Internet. Some of those pursue a more radical so called clean-slate approach, namely parts of the Networks of the Future programme from EU's 7th Framework Programme, the US GENI/FIND programme and related activities in Korea and Japan. This is driven by the insight that the basic designs of the current Internet was made in a world of mainframes and copper some 40 years ago. Since than a lot has happened and the Internet technology has proven adaptive and is considered currently at its peak. However, also some fundamental drawbacks of the design become apparent namely in the areas of security, mobility, QoS, manageability, content delivery etc. Time to think about a radically new design, more suitable to the challenges ahead. This workshop will give an insight into those issues driving the research on a Future Internet and will provide details on the approach taken in the 4WARD project in particular. Workshop Programme
FP6/FP7 Cluster Meeting: RAS (Radio Access and Spectrum)Participation in this cluster meeting is restricted to delegates involved in FP6 or FP7 Projects. Project cluster meetings provide the possibility for synergies and informal information exchange between projects of related areas. They are a key tool to ensure coherent approaches, best practices and critical mass within the research programme. Wednesday 11 JuneFuture Internet Cluster 14:00 - 17:30Participation in this cluster meeting is restricted to delegates involved in Future Internet Projects. This is the second FP7 Meeting of this cluster. This meeting will take place in Room 206. All participants must either be conference delegates or arrange a name badge to participate in this cluster meeting. Cluster Programme
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